As an insurance professionals, your customers come to you to secure the best life insurance solution for their family or business needs. They rely upon your expertise to determine the appropriate amount, identify the best solution, and quickly put this protection in place. Whether your focus is on insurance or other areas of financial planning, the reality is you may not have all the tools to put together a solution that is appropriate and competitive, while efficiently managing your time.
TAVTRAX provides you with the tools to secure the life insurance protection your customer needs, without bogging you down in paperwork purgatory. Our complete online process allows you to calculate benefit needed, quote coverage, and submit a request for insurance in less time than it would take you to locate and print the application packet!
If you prefer pen over keyboard, no problem! We have a TAVTRAX packet that will collect the information we need to provide you with a recommendation and illustration. Once you give us the green light, we submit request to the insurance company to begin their process. No client signatures are needed to start the process!
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